it's out! (plus some other stuff)

hello again!

long time no see! by now you probably know of “Who We Were Meant to Be," well… it's out! i'll keep this brief so you can get to listening, but i just wanted to let you know the song is out now! i'll include what i'll call the “master link” where you can see direct links to every major platform, my bandcamp, and the genius page that has all the lyrics :)

anyway, that's all! i do not have anything else lined up for the foreseeable/predictable future… i know i've said this to be misleading before, but truly i'm not kidding this time (unfortunately). i'm gonna lock myself in a tower and craft a new album soon so you'll probably not hear from me for a bit unless something changes, which i don't see happening tbh lol. so think of this song has my parting gift to you, here's to missing you. cheers! i will see you when i see you!

all my love and wishing you the best as always, 

Ben <3

oh! here's the link before i forget!

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